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《无限智慧主宰》小说第145章全文免费阅读 。为了让您更好地阅读《无限智慧主宰第145章》,请您 ,免费阅读无限智慧主宰第145章完整版全文。

温情打死也没想到,自己竟睡了死对头,北城商业巨擘霍庭深。原以为是冤家路窄,却不想,竟成就了一段‘绝配’姻缘。某日,记者专访。“霍先生,我想替广大女性同胞问一下,您最喜欢什么样的女生。”“我老婆那样儿的。”至此,霍总隐婚的消息,传遍九州。~婚后,温情爆发了。“三爷,我身子不舒服!”“没关系,身体不好,证明缺乏锻炼,来吧,生命不息,运动不止。”终于,她崩溃:“霍庭深,你特么的还有完没完了。” 霍少宠妻无度

In this dark psychological thriller, a wealthy husband turns up dead, and his abused wife is charged with the crime. She calls Riley for help—and yet it seems clear she is guilty.But when another wealthy, abusive husband turns up dead, the FBI is called in, and FBI special agent Riley Paige wonders: is this all a coincidence? Or could this be the work of a serial killer?What ensues is a game of cat and mouse, as Riley Paige realizes she is up against a brilliant and unpredictable killer, one without a clear motive—and one determined to keep on killing until he is caught.An action-packed thriller with heart-pounding suspense, ONCE TRAPPED is book #13 in a riveting new series—with a beloved new character—that will leave you turning pages late into the night. OnceTrapped

秦依洛因为意外来到斗罗大陆,并且绑定了一个非常宠她的系统,而这里仅仅是她旅途的开始,她在这里结交了许多朋友,让唐三后悔转世。 斩赤红之瞳中,她与艾斯德斯相杀。 斗破世界中,她灭魂殿,统一斗气大陆,... 斗罗世界中的冰结小姐

女主因为一次意外穿越到一个女孩身上,这个女孩正是现在网上人人喊打,痛骂绿茶的许七夏,看着原主任一手好牌打的稀烂,女主表示为了活下去,要逆袭啊! 岁月经年

  波澜壮阔大世界,玄之又玄人世间;爱恨情仇聚合散,杀意纵横因果缘。   这是——   一部倔强少年由凡人成就大帝的奋斗史。   一段我行我素,杀伐独行,任意逍遥的傲世录。   ==============================   如果感觉小天的作品不错,请(收藏)一下呗! 玄幻吞天大帝傲世录

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