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《前方高甜:爹地,有人挖你墙角!》小说第877章全文免费阅读 。为了让您更好地阅读《前方高甜:爹地,有人挖你墙角!第877章》,请您 ,免费阅读前方高甜:爹地,有人挖你墙角!第877章完整版全文。

A hilarious and heartfelt series about the particular magic of summer camp—a place where reinvention is possible and friends are like family—from a sparkling debut talent.There's only one thing Melman loves more than soccer: her summers at Camp Rolling Hills. So she's pumped to be back—until she realizes her bunkmates have gone totally boy-crazy over the school year and plastered their cabin in pink.Pink posters, pink t-shirts...it seems that the only not-pink thing in the cabin is Melman herself. That is, until she's given a dare in front of the entire camp: wear a pink princess dress. For Three. Whole. Days. CrossingOver(CampRollingHills#2)

上官雅男的力作《校草的身世恋人》 校草的身世恋人

张浪意外穿越三国,冒名顶替当了袁绍的便宜儿子。 原本只想混吃等死做个纨绔子弟,却因为闲着没事训练的一支精锐居然威震天下。 原本不想参与袁绍儿子们的争权夺利,可是因为功劳太大却成了众矢之的。 早就被前女友折腾坏了的张浪,本打算一个人潇洒自在,却没想到一句‘床前明月光’就把个千古佳人迷得神魂颠倒了!... 三国之袁氏败家子

重逢时,我一定会告诉你,我还爱你呢。微笑知今是,因风谢钓舟。选自《送刘三复郎中赴阙》[ 唐·杜牧 ]**死别*男主爱笑不高冷 因风谢钓舟

启,殒。启时,踌躇满志,殊不知,我们只是另一个轮回的开始。殒后,蓦然明了,再侧首,却单余自己沧桑后落落衣衫。格局未变,流逝的却是我们,和时间。 启殒

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