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《睡前抽个盲盒》小说第980章全文免费阅读 。为了让您更好地阅读《睡前抽个盲盒第980章》,请您 ,免费阅读睡前抽个盲盒第980章完整版全文。

Since childhood, Sabriel has lived outside the walls of the Old Kingdom, away from the power of Free Magic, and away from the Dead who refuse to stay dead. But now her father, the Mage Abhorson, is missing, and Sabriel must cross into that world to find him. With Mogget, whose feline form hides a powerful, perhaps malevolent spirit, and Touchstone, a young Charter Mage, Sabriel travels deep into the Old Kingdom. There she confronts an evil that threatens much more than her life'and comes face to face with her own hidden destiny... Garth Nix's first young adult novel, Sabriel was recently nominated for the Aurealis Award for Excellence in Science Fiction in Australia. Sabriel

某总裁摸摸头,语重心长:“做人呐,要脚踏实地,不要想这么虚无缥缈的事情,呐,结婚证自己收好。”经历一番抗争,她终于持证上岗,期限一辈子,抗议无效,想跑没门!无虐甜宠文,花式虐狗,欢迎入坑。 萌妻在上高冷总裁宠不停

穿越成即将被消灭的黄毛反派怎么破? 自然是把敌人变成自己人啦! 昏暗的地下室里,烛光微弱,被锁链绑住的女主们露出面色涨红,一副威武不屈的表情。 “我们不会如你所愿,变成你的爪牙!” ... 乖乖听话吧女主们

七年前,他朝她寸寸逼近,问她:“徐囿清,你接过吻吗?” 七年后,她神色定定的回答他:“谢先生,我已经结婚了。” 若得浮生半日情

魔王率领的魔族跟勇者率领人族,数百年的鏖战迎来了终局的时刻。 跟以往一样,勇者小姐战败被俘,魔王大获全胜。然而这一次,暴虐魔王却没有羞辱、折磨她,因为魔族被快速发展起来的人类打得溃不成军,而他本人,亦... 转生失败成为勇者小姐的全职太太

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